Sunday 2 June 2013

Dreamy love. Literally.

I just woke up from my dream around 1pm, had a long 12 hours sleep in what seemed to be ages.
And the dream was oddly awesome yet heart-wrenching.

I dreamt of my crush of 2 years, (I had actually got over him a year ago ...) requesting me to get in a relationship with him. I was walking to somewhere (I forgot), and he started talking to me then and our relationship bloomed. He was my ideal height, and so obviously I was so happy. And I started spending time with him everyday, sort of ignoring my best girl friends.

Oh, I asked him where did he stay and where is he schooling, he told me he stays in Tampines and studies at Temasak Polytechnic, but in my dream, I was just wondering why did he stay so far away from me.

We went drinking and for some reason, while walking down a hill, I was completely sober but I decided to pretend to fall, maybe to see whether he would grab me? And he did, with another guy friend. And maybe the way he carried me was so comfortable , I fell asleep, and woke up with me sleeping in his lap and leaning on his shoulder. And waking up to his beautiful smile.

There were many other moments in my dream, but all I vaguely remembered is that I yearned for his body contact, for him to hug me and hold me. I think I got lost somewhere and that's when I woke up, breathless and yearning for someone to be there for me, like what my virtual me had, a sweet partner.

But then, I starting tearing, as this dream would never happen in reality. There are just so many signs in this unreal dream ...
1) In my dream, my boyfriend was just half a head taller than me; my crush in reality was ... 190cm.
2) I spent a lot of time with him in my dream, almost everyday actually. But I would never abandon my besties for my boyfriend, I would still spend time with them equally in reality.
3) My crush in reality studies in a Junior College and lives in the West.

With the many signs, it was difficult to pretend this dream might come true.
But the scariest thing from this dream was why did my crush say he lived in Tampines. Why not Orchard or something else. And why Temasak Polytechnic. Why not Singapore Polytechnic.
This may be signs of my future boyfriend, which I am afraid to know ...

ARGH WHATEVER. This is just another nonsensical dream ...

Till the next post, MLLEMERCURIAL.

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